What better way to start your child’s musical journey than with piano lessons!
At Fairfax Piano, your child can learn to read written music, play from memory, gain an understanding of how music is made, and create their own music. Lessons with Fairfax Piano can prepare the student for a lifetime of making music at home, or accompanying church music or other volunteer outlets, or simply making and enjoying music in casual times with family and friends. If your child's interest later moves into a different musical instrument, the musical knowledge gained from piano lessons will help them learn a new instrument that much easier!
Fairfax Piano has no preferred lesson books or favorite publisher. If your child has taken lessons elsewhere and is still in the middle of a set of books that they enjoy, their lessons at Fairfax Piano can start with that; there is no need to buy a new set of books just to start lessons here.
Our first meeting is free; simply call or write for more details!
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