Mike has been tuning pianos - his own and others - for over 30 years. You will typically find Mike playing a piano that he has freshly tuned - he's not showing off. He is actually giving his tuning the final evaluation, making sure that it all sounds and plays at its best.
Tuning a piano usually takes less than two hours, and even if a piano cannot be brought up to concert pitch, it will be in tune with itself and will sound much better.
People ask, how often should I have my piano tuned? The answer varies with each piano and with each player, but in general it is best to have your piano tuned every 6 months. Some pianos can sound good without having been tuned for years, and others need slight adjustments every few months. But overall, your piano should sound good to you, and if you are just learning to play the piano, learning on a properly-tuned instrument helps you learn what it should sound like.

Just like our cars, homes, and computers, pianos need occasional repair. Many repairs can be done without moving the piano - things like fixing a stuck key or safely removing something that dropped into the case. Your piano can be made to sound better, too, by a process called voicing. The process of voicing removes some of the effects of long-term wear on a piano's sound, and if you wish it can mellow or brighten the tone of your instrument during the same visit. Voicing can breathe new life into an old, "tinny," piano.
Repairs to your piano - that don't require moving it - can be done by Fairfax Piano.
Buying a piano from somebody you don't know can be a scary thing. You may like it and it may look good, but there is that nagging uncertainty: what if I get it home and I find out it's junk? Fairfax Piano has an answer for you. We have a standard set of 84 inspections and tests that evaluate every part of a piano. The evaluation takes about an hour and gives you peace of mind - and if the evaluation found a serious problem could save you a lot of time, effort, and money!

Is your piano starting to sound painful when you play it?
Call to give it a careful tuning at a fixed price.
Does your piano seem to have that one annoying problem key (or a whole set of them)?
Call to fix that problem and bring your instrument back into shape.
Did something fall down inside your piano?
Call to have it safely removed.
Are you thinking about buying somebody else's piano?
Call to have the piano evaluated. The report you would get would tell you whether that piano would be likely to last you a long time, or whether you should move on to a different one.
Tunings or service can often be scheduled within a week of your call.
For more information about what Fairfax Piano can do for you, please fill in your name and email address below. Promise: no spam, no mailing lists; you'll get an answer soon from an actual human being!
Or if you prefer, you can call: